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What is a MOSFET airsoft?

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An airsoft gun is a replica of a real gun that fires pellets using compressed air or gas. Airsoft guns are used for recreation, training, and target practice. What are the different types of airsoft guns? The three main types…

How Old To Play Airsoft

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Airsoft is a sport very similar to paintball, in which players compete in teams to eliminate opponents by shooting them with plastic pellets from Airsoft guns. It is a popular sport in many countries, and has been gaining popularity in…

Types of Airsoft Games

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Airsoft games come in all shapes and sizes, but can generally be classified into three categories: MilSim, Speedball, and Skirmish. Milsim games are the most realistic and often incorporate military-based scenarios. Players typically wear full gear including tactical vests, helmets,…

Airsoft vs Paintball – Difference

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The sports of Airsoft and Paintball are often confused with one another by the general public. Although they have many similarities, there are differences between them that set them apart from each other. This article will highlight some of those…

Additional Airsoft Equipment

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The must-have equipment to play Airsoft games are Airsoft firearms, protective eyewear and BBs. Many other additional equipment are required to play Airsoft games. Let’s have a look at the rules of the Airsoft game and the additional equipment needed. …

How To Choose The Best Airsoft Guns For Beginners

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Are you a beginner and need some help in selecting the right Airsoft gun for you? Newbies willing to enjoy an Airsoft game need a gun that has all the necessary features and is comfortable to use.  This article discusses…

Night Airsoft Games

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The Airsoft games have gained popularity because of the sheer fun and heroic feelings they offer to the players. Playing Airsoft games at night adds more excitement. This article discusses the Airsoft night games and night vision equipment needed to…